Sunday, November 4, 2012

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity

In this era creativity is a must. albert einstein said that "creativity is better than knowledge"
we need to be creative to continue our live, we need to be creative to survive.
when Ken Robinson said that school kill creativity, i agree with that.

flash back to when I was in Elementary, junior high school and senior high school,i forced to study something that i don't like to.

i don't need mathematics, past geometry, physics, chemistry to be an animator.  
i think everyone has their own ingenuity. so kids can't be forced to learns something that they dislike. if a person forced to learns something he/she don't like talents would die, and frustation could not be avoided.
I believe if you allow individuals to learn on their own tangents they will create something great in that field

but i didn't say that we don't need school, but i think that we need a new education system.
Inserting different learning styles and interests in the class activities can help engage students in the learning process.

i believe that the purpose of school is  good but seems lose sight of the original purpose, and killing children's creativity.

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