Sunday, November 25, 2012

Mind Map

do you fell hard to remember something that you learned before ?  or you're not good in memorizing ?
if yes you should make a mind map when you learn something.

what is mind map ?

A mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts. It is a visual thinking tool that helps structuring information, helping you to better analyze, comprehend, synthesize, recall and generate new ideas.

so what's the benefits of mind mapping ?

  • Note taking
  • Brainstorming (individually or in groups)
  • Problem solving
  • Studying and memorization
  • Planning
  • Researching and consolidating information from multiple sources
  • Presenting information
  • Gaining insight on complex subjects
  • Jogging your creativity
this is my mind map example :

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Failed Invention

invention and innovation is different.

Two different Etymologies

Even if the two words Invention and Innovation sound alike, they actually don’t share the same etymological Latin root:
Invention is coming from “invenire” that means “find” or “discover”.
Innovation is coming form “novus” that means “new”.

Two different meanings

In addition of not sharing the same root, Innovation and Invention have different meaning.

Invention: new configuration, composition of matter, device, or process. Some inventions are based on pre-existing models or ideas and others are radical breakthroughs. Inventions can extend the boundaries of human knowledge or experience (Wikipedia).

Innovation: An innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved product (goods or services) or process, a new marketing method or a new organizational method in business practices, workplace organization or external relations (Oslo Manual).

so we can see that invention bring innovation. but not all invention bring innovation because some invention end failure.

Japan’s gadget failures: The futures that never happened

TOKYO, Nov 18 — It gave us the Walkman, the pocket calculator and heated toilet seats, but Japan’s path to innovative greatness is littered with failures such as the TV-shaped radio and the “walking” toaster.
These and other retro appliances are part of a treasure-trove offering a glimpse of futures that never happened on Japan’s journey to becoming a worldwide byword for invention during the late 1950s and early 1960s.
“Way back before Cool Japan was an Uncool Japan,” said Kenichi Masuda, 49, referencing the marketing slogan Tokyo uses to sell itself at home and abroad.
Masuda has made a life’s work of gathering the also-rans in the race to consumer supremacy.
Witness Iwatsu Electric’s “Both Phone” — two telephones attached back to back with only one receiver, apparently to allow someone to make calls from either side. But only one at a time.
Marvel at Fuji Electric’s double-decked electric fan — the “Silent Pair”, which definitely is a pair, but not exactly silent.
Browsing Masuda’s collection sends the viewer through a portal to a different time, a period when the “three sacred treasures” — the television, refrigerator and washing machine — were status symbols to which all self-respecting housewives in booming Japan would aspire.
But for those who could not afford a real television — Japan’s first domestically-produced set cost the equivalent of three years’ salary for a mid-1950s high school graduate — the next best thing was readily available.
The “Sharp Cinema Super” is a radio in the shape of a television and cost ¥10,900 — a little more than a month’s salary for an elite public servant of the time.
“The delight of having the impression of watching TV would, however, fade quickly with this still screen, “ said Masuda, adding: “I bet the man who bought this was scolded by his wife.”
Panasonic’s television-shaped gas stove GSF-1 is the most expensive model among a range of gas heaters the company sold over 30 years.
“Is there any real meaning in this? No, but this shows how people admired television sets,” he said as he showed AFP the stove, one of the 2,000 items he has amassed over nearly three decades.
Other marvels include the “satellite-type” washing machine — a round metal pod with a handle that stirs dirty laundry in water and detergent.
The product was launched in 1957, amid public excitement over the Soviet Union’s Sputnik, the world’s first artificial satellite.
Sharp’s “Quicky” — a pair of electric scissors and Toshiba’s prosaically named “CK-31A” electric can opener were both failures.
Hitachi’s “Piano” is a desk-top electric fan that is, for no discernable reason, shaped like a miniature piano and is supposed to emit a gently scented breeze.
Not to be confused with typical hotel “conveyor belt” toasters, Toshiba’s “walking-type toaster” has a slit entrance for the slice of bread, which is then “walked” vertically down inside the toaster on metal rails.
When the toast eventually emerges at the other end, it feels like a major achievement.
“This didn’t sell. There’s no way Japan’s small kitchens had room for a product whose size and price were twice those of common models,” Masuda said.
His personal favourite in this category is Toshiba’s “Snack-3”, a device that can warm milk while toasting a slice of bread and frying an egg.
Would-be consumers might have seen through this one.
“People may have wanted to have Western-Style breakfast at the time... though you would become tired of that fairly quickly,” he said.
For Masuda, these quixotic gadgets show the bravery and idealism of Japanese companies in a high-growth era that was crowned by the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the launch of bullet trains.
“They are adorable. You can see how they came about from companies pouring so much effort in to pleasing customers. It’s just that sometimes, these efforts backfired,” said Masuda.
“But they were serious products made by adults for adults.”Japanese consumer electronics evolved from this trial-and-error period to sweep the world in the late 20th century — with Sony’s Walkman standing as perhaps the epitome of Nippon Know-how.
But then it all went wrong.
Household names that appeared almost indestructible in the 1980s — Panasonic, Sharp and Sony — are shadows of their former selves, struggling to keep up with their South Korean and Taiwanese rivals.
For Masuda, these companies lost their nimbleness and their playful sense of adventure when they got too large.
“As they grew bigger and bigger, they became mindful of ‘marketing,’ ‘profitability’, ‘safety’ and the like. They may have become too slow to act,” he said.
“But companies in this period were vigorous and had a ‘go-for-it’ spirit. They weren’t afraid of failures.”
So how do they get back to their roots?
That, admits Masuda, has him stumped.
“If I knew that, I’d be a company president.” — AFP/Relaxnews

so even great inventors such japan has some failed invention. and i think every inventor has failed at the first.
but it didn't make them quit.
 because "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm". Winston Churchill


Sunday, November 18, 2012

History of Chinese inventions

Chinese inventions have changed the world during the course of history. From paper money to gunpowder and the compass, many things we use today come from ancient China. Most of them date back to the Song Dynasty, which ruled the Asian empire between 960 and 1280 A.D.

What was the PROCESS of creativity? What ENVIRONMENTAL conditions existed?

When Marco Polo came to China in the 13 th century he discovered a very modern and civilized society. The Chinese engaged in trading, especially on rivers and canals. China at that time was highly developed, far more than Europe. 

Many people travelled during the Song Dynasty. They built cities and took their own culture with them. Many of the largest cities of the world could be found in China during this period. 

It was during this era that drinking tea was at the height of its popularity. People made very beautiful porcelain bowls, which they drunk out of. China, as we often call it, was produced especially for the royal family and for newly opened restaurants where rich people ate.

The invention of gunpowder changed the way wars were conducted. It led to the manufacturing of guns and even rockets. Without gunpowder, later inventions, like the
car engine would not have been possible. Historians think that the Mongols brought gunpowder to Europe. 
Printing was originally developed by Buddhist scholars. They copied texts that they gave to those who were preparing for examinations. The government also printed manuals for farm work and interesting articles about medicine. Because the Chinese alphabet is so complicated movable type printing was created.

Printing also had an effect on the Chinese economy. Texts about new farming methods that were successful in one region were printed and brought to other places in China. One of these new innovations in agriculture was the mass production of
rice, introduced by a new type of rice that was grown in Vietnam. Farmers began growing crops not only for themselves but to sell at markets.

In order for economy to develop the Chinese needed a good transportation system. During the Song Dynasty canals were built to connect the main rivers. The invention of the compass allowed Chinese navigators to sail on open seas. They began to trade with countries in Southeast Asia, like Taiwan and the Philippines. Later on the Chinese expanded their trading to India and the eastern part of Africa.

The Chinese also invented sails that could be moved, in contrast to the early fixed sails that the European navigators had at the beginning of the
Age of Exploration.

Because there were so many rivers and waterways in China people needed a way to get from one side of the river to the other. They designed what a rainbow bridge that could span one bank of the river with the other without a pillar in the middle of the river.

All in all the Song dynasty was a remarkable period in Chinese history with many inventions that make our world today a better place to live.

so what TRAITS made them creative?


Without the ability to adapt people could not become creative. But rather than adapt to something they choose to adapt things to suit them, their needs or the goals they are striving towards.


Creative people constantly are using their senses: consciously, sub-consciously and unconsciously, even non-consciously.

see possibilities

Average people, people who don’t believe they are creative, people who are fearful or resistant to creativeness or creative thinking prefer to work within limits with limited possibilities. Creative people love to see many, even infinite possibilities in most situations or challenges.


Being original is a driving force for creative people. They thrive on it.

sense of destiny

Intuitively creative people know that they have a purpose, a destiny or they realize that they can choose or create one to drive them to reach greater heights of skill, ability, or talent.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

is the environment has effect to our creativity ?

Wi-fi, Black box flight recorders, Hills clothes hoists, Cochlear implants, Dual-flush toilets, Mountbatten Braillers, Super Sopper Rollers, Ultrasound, Disposable syringe, Plastic banknotes are Australian inventions.

why so many Australian are so creative and become an inventor / innovator ?

is the environment has effect to our creativity ? 

yes ? so what kind of environment / situation would make you become creative person ? 

I think there are two kind of environment that make you become creative person.


The first is "Limitation"  
 If you were born in wealthy family..   With all the stuff, the toys,  all the things available for you. you will do all the job easier. Write the text with computer, goes to school by car, playing Playstation or Nitendo  even ask the maid to swap the floor. True isn't it ?
but believe me,  it kills your creativity !

But if you were born in poor family or even in the forest or in the middle of nowhere.
you'll hardly to do everything. Write with hand, making his own toys with bamboo, used box, used can and anything else. But that situation will build their creativity !

This is why I said that limitation make or maybe "forced" someone to be creative.

The second is "Creative environment" 
 If you were born in creative family.. You father is illustrator, and your mother is an designer.. And 90% you'll be a someone in creative industry..  Like a proverb said that  the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 
Or if you goes to school that 90% of your classmate like drawing, so you'll be influenced to like drawing.
The third is "Freedom of expression" 
 if in your school there is a regulation to do something or not to do something. it will limit your expression . but if they said "you allowed to do anything !" you will do everything with your creativity and build your creativity. but ofcourse there will be a drawback if there's no regulation.


The Process of Invention and Innovation

Humans are made within intelligent,  When a strong man face a difficult problem, he will work hard to solve the problem.   But when a creative people face a difficult problem, he will create a tool or a machine to make the problem easier.    this kind of person called inventor.

Here it is some example.  Alexander Graham Bell , He invent the telephone.

But is that enough ? No !

As the time goes by Everything changed, people need communication anywhere and anytime. So Dr. Martin Cooper create telephone that can be used anywhere. So Dr. Martin Cooper called innovator

That is the same situation with PC and tablet 

The PC is dead, long live the tablet ( )

According to a Gartner report out November 6, 821 million smartphones and tablets will be purchased by the end of the year, accounting for 70 per cent of total devices sold in 2012, and by 2013 the number of tablets sold will have passed 1 billion.
The company also believes that by 2016, tablets will have replaced computers in most companies and that more of us will become mobile workers as a result.

nowadays, people need to work with computer anywhere and anytime, that's why people prefer to use laptop than PC. but then the problem is laptop is too big and heavy to be carried anytime. tablet or computer tablet is easy to be carried anywhere and anytime. so people prefer to use tablet than PC or laptop.

the process of invention and innovation does not stop here. after tablet i believe someone will invent something new that better than tablet. that is the process of invention and innovation. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity

In this era creativity is a must. albert einstein said that "creativity is better than knowledge"
we need to be creative to continue our live, we need to be creative to survive.
when Ken Robinson said that school kill creativity, i agree with that.

flash back to when I was in Elementary, junior high school and senior high school,i forced to study something that i don't like to.

i don't need mathematics, past geometry, physics, chemistry to be an animator.  
i think everyone has their own ingenuity. so kids can't be forced to learns something that they dislike. if a person forced to learns something he/she don't like talents would die, and frustation could not be avoided.
I believe if you allow individuals to learn on their own tangents they will create something great in that field

but i didn't say that we don't need school, but i think that we need a new education system.
Inserting different learning styles and interests in the class activities can help engage students in the learning process.

i believe that the purpose of school is  good but seems lose sight of the original purpose, and killing children's creativity.


What do you think of  when you hear creativity ?

There are 5 word that comes out when i hear creativity :

everything start with imagination .. even Albert Einstein said that imagination is better than knowledge

something identical may be boring. we need creativity to make everything unique

to be creative, we no need to be good, but need to be different

creative mean create something new, or create something with new way

in this era. IQ is not enough, smart is not enough. to rule the world, we need to be creative than creative is a must

 and beside that, in my opinion there a 5 word not associated wit creativity. there are :

when something created without creativity.. it may be something dull

when something created without creativity.. it may be something gloomy

plagiarism indicate that someone have no creativity and imagination at all.. and plagiarism is a crime

everything mainstream may be boring because it created without creativity

creative mean keep changing, keep running, keep innovation. something that stop is not creative